My Books

Here is a list and link to all the books that I have written as of now. Keep checking this page regularly, and you will be surprised to find new books being published.

1. Aakh

This is the first short story that I have written and published.

It tells the story of a small crew on their maiden mission to mine a diamond planet. As a reader, you are put right into the action of all the stuff going wrong with this mission. Strap yourself up and discover what happens to the mission and the crew.

You can buy it on Amazon.

2. 44 Acts of Violence

My first graphic novel project that I am working on.

Learn about the violent history of two great fighters fighting each other to become the warrior god. Discover what led them and who will become the warrior god.

The script is entirely written, but we are currently working on the art. You can follow it on our Instagram page:

I am working on more writing projects soon. Keep an eye out on this page.

3. Understanding Document Management Process

Document management is an issue that I have faced in my previous businesses. Hence, I wanted to put together a book explaining the process that businesses can follow to setup a document management process within their business.

Please get it here and let me know what you think?